Visual evaluation of the chest, both anterior and posterior, identifies such conditions as open pneumothorax and large flail segments. 仔细观察前胸及后背部,鉴别是否有开放性气胸或连枷胸等情况。
Automatic decompression with micro-catheter for open and tension pneumothorax 小导管协助减压治疗交通及张力性气胸
Anesthetic Management of the Patients of Open Spontaneous Pneumothorax 自发性开放性气胸病人的麻醉处理
Conclusions Application of ADI allows faster healing and safer and easier operation, and causes fewer complications and less pain with shortened hospital stay as compared with conventional therapy for open and tension pneumothorax. 结论该气胸治疗设施治疗效果佳,与粗管胸腔闭式引流术治疗法相比具有安全,愈合快,操作简单,微创、痛苦及并发症少,住院时间短等优点,有推广应用前景。